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Realistic Mode
Realistic mode has optional rules that the Soulweaver can choose to include during the game. Once a campaign starts, choose if you will apply any of these rules and then all players should abide by them for the entire campaign.
Accumulated Damage
Each time damage is dealt by a target effect, roll for a part. Track Injury on each part. Creatures gain Wounded Tiers equal to the amount the total Injury exceeds 1/3 of the creature's Grit. Track Wounded Tiers causes by this effect and reduce the Tiers caused by further occurrences by the amount already caused until the part if fully healed.
Healing effects must target specific parts and can only remove Injury to the targeted part.
Weapon Breakdown
After each time an object is used to make a melee attack or launch ammunition, if the attack succeeds, the target deals damage equal to the object or ammunition equal to its physical reduction. If the attack deals Stabbing damage, the object is only damaged if the attack does not cause any Injury.
Each character has a Momentum Pool equal to their Training Limit. After exceeding an opponent's attack or defense roll, for each 3 they exceeded by, they gain a Momentum Pip. While making a Luck roll, you can remove 1 Momentum to remove 1d12 from each opposing roller. You can increase the d12 removed by increasing the Pips removed. Each d12 removed costs 1 Pip more than the last. While you are not in Conflict, you cannot have Momentum Pips.
Area Effect Damage
If Serious Injury is caused not from a targeted attack, roll for a part a number of times equal to the amount the Injury exceed their Severe Threshold. Each roll causes Tier 2 Wounded to the rolled part. Trauma caused from suffering Wounded in this way is halved.
If a single effect causes Acid Injury to multiple parts, determine the parts Injured before applying the effect of Acid and divide the damage evenly between them. If the amount does not divide evenly, apply 1 Injury to each part in the order they were determined to be affected until the excess is applied.
When an event occurs that could leave a lasting mark on your mind, it attacks Poise to deal Resolve Pool damage equal to the Tier of the event with a number of d12 equal to the Tier of the event, 1 through 6. While you have Resolve Pool Injury, treat your Resolve Pool as reduced by that amount to determine when your Resolve Pool is full.
  • While you have Resolve Pool Injury, remove dice that have a face value equal to triple the lowest face value rolled from your Skill rolls.
  • While your Resolve Pool Injury exceeds half your Resolve Pool, at the start of your turn, roll 1d12. For 1 round, dice that have that face value in your Skill rolls are removed.
  • While your Resolve Pool Injury equals or exceeds your Resolve Pool, you are completely insane and the Soulweaver gains control of you.
Sanity Recovery
After eight consecutive Recoveries, roll Poise to restore 1 to your Resolve Pool, DL 6 + 1/2 the reduction. If you are below half your total, only roll after 6 days. If you have 0 Resolve Pool, only roll after 12 days. Gain +1 for each time you have failed since your last success.
The abilities can only be learned while playing hard mode.
Chaos Mind Trickster Potion
Spell - Illusion
Requirements: Realistic Mode
Cause a Tier 1 + TT/4 Sanity event.
Range Target 0   Defense Nature
Boost: If the Sanity event is successful, they act and function as an animal for 1 + TT/3 rounds.
Mind Order Trickster Craft Tier 6
Ritual - Curse
Requirements: Realistic Mode, 5 AP Assigned to each Living Group Element
Soulshards 1,000: While cursed, after a Triumph, the creature suffers a Sanity event of Tier equal to the number of face value 12 rolled.
Defense Poise
Naturalist Mind Order Potion
Trick - Illusion
Requirements: Realistic Mode
Target creature rolls Sanity Recovery as if they got the needed recoveries 1 + TT/3 times.
Range Target 1 + TT   Defense Nature
Boost: These rolls are unaffected by the effect of Sanity.
© Grinning Demon Games ~ admin@SoulshardsRPG.com
Yitzi Santer: Creator | Clinton Menezes: Lead Developer | Travis Almon: Lead Writer
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