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Cost 1,500
Umbral Craft Tier Magical
Inlay - N3 Bulk
If you did not meld this Inlay, you cannot activate this Artifact, use mechanical effects of this technology, or extract this Inlay.
Time Craft Tier Magical
Inlay - N3 Bulk
When you activate this Artifact, you can choose to have the effect delayed until any specified time in the next week ignoring Focus and Grip requirements. You must make all decisions that will occur during the activation immediately. You can have up to 2 + ET x 3 activations stored in this way.
Cost 1,500
Necrotic Craft Tier Magical
Inlay - N3 Bulk
This Artifact costs Grit instead of Resolve to activate.
Earth Craft Tier Magical
Inlay - N3 Bulk
Increase the face value needed to benefit from Stabbing against this armor by 1 + ET/3.
Cost 750
Earth Craft Tier Magical
Inlay - N3 Bulk
Increase damage dealt with this object by +1 + ET/3.
Umbral Craft Tier Magical
Inlay - N3 Bulk
Reduce the DL to Augment attacks with this object or effects that use this object by 1 + ET/3.
Space Craft Tier Magical
Inlay - N3 Bulk
Space around this object becomes blurry causing Tier 1 + ET Concealment against sight.
Necrotic Craft Tier Magical
Inlay - N3 Bulk
Lock 1 + ET Treatable ailment other than Paralyzed. When you would cause Injury with this object, causes equal Tiers of a Locked ailment instead.
Gravity Craft Tier Magical
Inlay - N3 Bulk
Reduce damage this object takes from Collide by 1 + ET. While worn, you also gain this effect.
Air Craft Tier Magical
Inlay - N3 Bulk
Increases existing range of this object by 1 + ET.
Craft Tier Magical
Inlay - N3 Bulk
Lock 1 + ET Elements. This object gains Immunity to the Locked Elements. This object provides physical obstruction against the Locked Elements. If this object has Guard, the Guard can be used against any attack of the Locked Elements.
Necrotic Craft Tier Magical
Inlay - N3 Bulk
Lock 1 Ailment. If this object causes the Locked ailment, increase the Tier caused by 1 + ET/4.
Necrotic Craft Tier Magical
Inlay - N3 Bulk
Increase the range of face values that trigger Devastating with this object by 1 + ET/3.
Earth Craft Tier Magical
Inlay - N3 Bulk
Increase the DL of this lock by 1 + ET/2.
Earth Craft Tier Magical
Inlay - N3 Bulk
Lock Guard or Extend. Increase the value the object has of the Locked property by 1 + ET/5.
Earth Craft Tier Magical
Inlay - N3 Bulk
Increase Physical Reduction this object grants by 1 + ET/4.
Earth Craft Tier Magical
Inlay - N3 Bulk
Gain +1 + ET/3 on rolls to use this object for its intended purpose while not in Conflict.
Energy Form
Cost 30,000
Umbral Craft Tier Magical
Inlay - N3 Bulk
This weapon's damage type becomes Mystical.
Umbral Craft Tier Magical
Inlay - N3 Bulk
This Artifact counts as 1 Tier higher if its Craft Tier is lower than the Craft Tier of this Inlay.
Earth Craft Tier Magical
Inlay - N3 Bulk
Lock 1 + ET/3 weapon properties except Extra, Load, Two-Handed, or Mechanical. Extend and Guard have value 1. Ailment can be any treatable ailment except Paralyzed. This weapon gains the Locked properties.
Cost 75
Space Craft Tier Magical
Inlay - N3 Bulk
While Gripped or worn, this object changes size to be 1 + ET sizes closer to being made right for how it is being used. While the size is right, it becomes a perfect, comfortable fit.
Cost 7,500
Umbral Craft Tier Magical
Inlay - N3 Bulk
Material Element damage this deals becomes Flowing.
Earth Craft Tier Magical
Inlay - N3 Bulk
Lock Any color or design you can examine. This object changes color or design to the Locked option.
Inlay Merge
Cost 1,500
Umbral Craft Tier Magical
Inlay - N3 Bulk
This object gains +2 + ET/3 Inlay Limit and Dispel Defense. Inlays cannot be extracted from this object. If this object is destroyed, all Melded Inlays are also destroyed.
Cost 1,500
Space Craft Tier Magical
Inlay - N3 Bulk
As you Meld this, choose where all coloration of the object should appear. Coloration on the object moves to your chosen position. This can change things such as the text of a page or design on armor.
Radiant Craft Tier Magical
Inlay - N3 Bulk
Reduce the DL to sense or search for this object by 1 + ET.
Cost 75
Craft Tier Magical
Inlay - N3 Bulk
Lock 1 physical Element. If you did not meld this Inlay, while touching this object, take 1 + ET Continuing Flowing Damage of the Locked type.
Cost 150
Air Craft Tier Magical
Inlay - N3 Bulk
Reduce the Magnitude of sound made by this object by 1 + ET/3.
Earth Craft Tier Magical
Inlay - N3 Bulk
This object gains 1 + ET/2 Physical Reduction.
Cost 3,000
Gravity Craft Tier Magical
Inlay - N3 Bulk
Reduce the face value you need to roll on damage dice with this object by 1 + ET/4.
Cost 1,500
Umbral Craft Tier Magical
Inlay - N3 Bulk
If this would cause an ailment, instead reduce the ailment an equal number of Tiers. If this would reduce an ailment, instead cause an equal number of Tiers of the ailment.
Cost 300
Water Craft Tier Magical
Inlay - N3 Bulk
This object functions underwater as if it is not underwater and does not count towards carried Bulk underwater.
Cost 750
Body Craft Tier Magical
Inlay - N3 Bulk
While you are shapeshifted, this object shapeshifts so you can wear it in your new form.
Cost 300
Space Craft Tier Magical
Inlay - N3 Bulk
This object shrinks 1 + ET/2 sizes.
Cost 3,000
Mind Craft Tier Magical
Inlay - N3 Bulk
Reduce penalties you take from this object by 1 + ET/3.
Cost 300
Umbral Craft Tier Magical
Inlay - N3 Bulk
When this Tool is used for crafting, reduce your material cost by 1 + ET%.
Cost 75
Earth Craft Tier Magical
Inlay - N3 Bulk
If placed against anything, this object up to 3 + ET x 3 Bulk counts as Secured. Grant +1 + ET on defense against Disarm and Steal against this object. Decrease the DL to Catch this object by 1 + ET.
Cost 300
Gravity Craft Tier Magical
Inlay - N3 Bulk
If you Melded this, this object hovers near you so you can reach it. If Gripped, it moves with you. If not in Reach and Unattended, it moves 1 space each turn in a straight line to reach you and cannot move around obstacles. This object falls to the ground and does not move if the Bulk to hover would exceed 10 + ET x 10.
Umbral Craft Tier Magical
Inlay - N3 Bulk
This object gains +1 + ET/2 Dispel Defense.
Water Craft Tier Magical
Inlay - N3 Bulk
This object cannot sink in water. While worn on your feet, you can walk on water treating it as having Tier 6 Ground Softness.
© Grinning Demon Games ~ admin@SoulshardsRPG.com
Yitzi Santer: Creator | Clinton Menezes: Lead Developer | Travis Almon: Lead Writer
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