Aspect - Finesse | Tools and Poise
Gain +1 + TT/2 on Control Mount and Mount / Dismount rolls.
Boost: Count as 1 + TT/8 sizes smaller to determine how much space you take to be mounted.
Spell - Transference | Tools and Poise
Create a magic barrier around you that functions as a Tier 0 Gripped shield with Guard 1 + TT/3.
1 + TT rounds
Boost: The shield can Guard against magical attacks.
Stance | Tools and Poise
Lock 1 + TT/2 of Bashing Strike Type, Accurate, Dazzle, Devastating, Disarm, Guard 1, Impact, Reposition, Demoralize, or Trip. Weapons you Grip gain the Locked options.
Boost: Attacks against you do not gain the effects of Locked Strike Types or weapon properties.
Trick - Infusion | Tools and Poise
1 Resolve: Warp target unattended object to be in your Grip.
Target 3 + TT
Boost: Instead, Warp 1 + TT target parts of unattended armor on to you.
Aspect - Wit | Tools and Poise
Gain +1 + TT/3 on Poise Knowledge rolls.
Boost: Gain 1 Reduction to damage against your Resolve from creatures you have exceeded Social knowledge about by 6.
Aspect - Might | Tools and Poise
Gain 1 + TT/2 Body Reduction.
Boost: Gain +TT/3 on defense against Impede.
Advanced Abilities
Those that practice and excel in the Knight style gain access to these more unique abilities.
Response - Infusion | Tools and Poise
Requirements: Tools Proficiency 9, Poise Proficiency 9
1 Resolve: After causing a treatable Ailment, reduce 1 + TT/3 Tiers of that Ailment from yourself.
Boost: After this reduces an Ailment afflicting you, heal 1 + TT/4 Grit.
Aspect - Wit | Tools and Poise
Requirements: Tools Proficiency 15, Poise Proficiency 15
After using Soothe, use it again 1 + TT/3 times.
Boost: Reduce the face value you need to roll on healing dice by TT/4.
Talent | Tools and Poise
Requirements: Tools Proficiency 9, Poise Proficiency 9
Either place or extract up to 1 + TT/2 Inlays from your gear. You can stash or obtain Inlays in and from your gear as part of this Manifestation.
Boost: You can place and remove inlays with the same Manifestation.
Response - Infusion | Tools and Poise
Requirements: Tools Proficiency 21, Poise Proficiency 21
After using an Major Action, Allies gain +1 on rolls to use that same action.
Burst 1 + TT
1 round
Boost: Allies gain +1 + TT/3 on defenses against Ailments.
Talent | Tools and Poise
Requirements: Tools Proficiency 15, Poise Proficiency 15
5 words: Allies that can hear you gain +1 + TT/3 Movement Pool and on defense against effects that cause Frightened, Unaware, or Paralyzed.
Aura 3 + TT
1 + TT/2 rounds
Boost: Grant +1 on physical attack rolls and physical damage.
Talent | Tools and Poise
Requirements: Tools Proficiency 9, Poise Proficiency 9
When you make a melee attack, attack in a Burst 1 + TT/4 instead of choosing a target.
3 rounds
Boost: Req: Self - Choose 1 + TT targets. Do not attack them with this effect.
© Grinning Demon Games ~
Yitzi Santer: Creator | Clinton Menezes: Lead Developer | Travis Almon: Lead Writer Merch Store ~ The Team |