Aspect - Wit | Nimble and Poise
Gain +1 + TT/2 on Social Knowledge rolls.
Boost: After using Social Knowledge on a creature using Deceive against you, gain +1 on your defense for each 3 you exceed the DL by. Suffer -1 on your defense for each 3 you fail the roll by.
Response | Nimble and Poise
5 - TT/3 words: As target creature attacks. If they hear and understand your words, use Hinder Attack with Poise attacking Zeal.
Target 1 + TT
Boost: Increase the penalty by 1 for each 3 you exceed their defense.
Aspect - Charisma | Nimble and Poise
Gain 1 + TT Fervor Pool. You can use Fervor to pay Resolve costs of abilities. After a Social Encounter or exceeding the DL of a Social Knowledge roll by 6 or more, heal 1 Fervor.
Boost: You can pay 2 Fervor in place of the Resolve cost to use Influence.
Aspect - Charisma | Nimble and Poise
Gain +1 + TT/3 on defense against Despair and Mind effects.
Boost: Do not suffer penalty for your Resolve Pips exceeding half your Resolve Pool.
Response - Infusion | Nimble and Poise
1 Resolve: As you deal Damage to Resolve, the target rolls d12 equal to its Reduction against the damage. The target's only benefits from Reduction equal to the number of face value 3 + TT/2 or higher rolled.
Boost: Attack Zeal with Injury d12 to cause the creature to choose Counter on the next Influence this Conflict.
Aspect - Might | Nimble and Poise
Gain 1 + TT/2 Mind Reduction.
Boost: Gain +TT/3 on defense when you are Ambushed while not in Conflict.
Advanced Abilities
Those that practice and excel in the Advocate style gain access to these more unique abilities.
Talent | Nimble and Poise
Requirements: Nimble Proficiency 21, Poise Proficiency 21
Ignore Resolve Pips you have other from Social Conflict during Social Conflict.
3 + TT minutes
Boost: You can use Influence against creatures that cannot understand you.
Response - Infusion | Nimble and Poise
Requirements: Nimble Proficiency 9, Poise Proficiency 9
As you roll Influence, on success, for each face value 9 - TT/2 or higher in your roll, deal +1 damage.
Boost: If your Influence fails, for each face value 9 - TT/2 or higher in your roll, gain +1 Reduction to damage from that Influence.
Aspect - Charisma | Nimble and Poise
Requirements: Nimble Proficiency 15, Poise Proficiency 15
You can improve a creature's opinion of a subject up to 2 + TT/3 times per day.
Boost: Gain +1 on Guile and Poise rolls in relation to you speaking.
Talent | Nimble and Poise
Requirements: Nimble Proficiency 15, Poise Proficiency 15
Attack with Zeal to cause creatures to not be able to Ignore you in Social Encounters.
Burst 3 + TT
3 + TT x 3 minutes
Boost: Use Influence to begin a Social Encounter.
Aspect - Charisma | Nimble and Poise
Requirements: Nimble Proficiency 9, Poise Proficiency 9
Gain Devastating with Influence rolls.
Boost: Gain +1 + TT/4 on Influence rolls.
Aspect - Charisma | Nimble and Poise
Requirements: Nimble Proficiency 9, Poise Proficiency 9
Increase the words you can speak each round and the words you gain from actions by 2 + TT/2.
Boost: Reduce the penalty from Social Opinion to increase a creatures opinion of you by 1.
© Grinning Demon Games ~
Yitzi Santer: Creator | Clinton Menezes: Lead Developer | Travis Almon: Lead Writer Merch Store ~ The Team |