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Mind Order
Aspect - Wit | Nimble and Poise
Gain +1 + TT/2 on Social Knowledge rolls.
Boost: After using Social Knowledge on a creature using Deceive against you, gain +1 on your defense for each 3 you exceed the DL by. Suffer -1 on your defense for each 3 you fail the roll by.
Leader Mind
Response | Nimble and Poise
5 - TT/3 words: As target creature attacks. If they hear and understand your words, use Hinder Attack with Poise attacking Zeal.
Range Target 1 + TT
Boost: Increase the penalty by 1 for each 3 you exceed their defense.
Fire Hope Leader
Aspect - Charisma | Nimble and Poise
Gain 1 + TT Fervor Pool. You can use Fervor to pay Resolve costs of abilities. After a Social Encounter or exceeding the DL of a Social Knowledge roll by 6 or more, heal 1 Fervor.
Boost: You can pay 2 Fervor in place of the Resolve cost to use Influence.
Hero Mind Order
Aspect - Charisma | Nimble and Poise
Gain +1 + TT/3 on defense against Despair and Mind effects.
Boost: Do not suffer penalty for your Resolve Pips exceeding half your Resolve Pool.
Chaos Mind Trickster
Response - Infusion | Nimble and Poise
1 Resolve: As you deal Damage to Resolve, the target rolls d12 equal to its Reduction against the damage. The target's only benefits from Reduction equal to the number of face value 3 + TT/2 or higher rolled.
Boost: Attack Zeal with Injury d12 to cause the creature to choose Counter on the next Influence this Conflict.
Body Hero Spiritual
Aspect - Might | Nimble and Poise
Gain 1 + TT/2 Mind Reduction.
Boost: Gain +TT/3 on defense when you are Ambushed while not in Conflict.
Advanced Abilities
Those that practice and excel in the Advocate style gain access to these more unique abilities.
Naturalist Imagination Radiant
Talent | Nimble and Poise
Requirements: Nimble Proficiency 21, Poise Proficiency 21
Ignore Resolve Pips you have other from Social Conflict during Social Conflict.
Range Self   Duration 3 + TT minutes
Boost: You can use Influence against creatures that cannot understand you.
Chaos Mind Trickster
Response - Infusion | Nimble and Poise
Requirements: Nimble Proficiency 9, Poise Proficiency 9
As you roll Influence, on success, for each face value 9 - TT/2 or higher in your roll, deal +1 damage.
Boost: If your Influence fails, for each face value 9 - TT/2 or higher in your roll, gain +1 Reduction to damage from that Influence.
Hope Leader Mind
Aspect - Charisma | Nimble and Poise
Requirements: Nimble Proficiency 15, Poise Proficiency 15
You can improve a creature's opinion of a subject up to 2 + TT/3 times per day.
Boost: Gain +1 on Guile and Poise rolls in relation to you speaking.
Leader Mind Order
Talent | Nimble and Poise
Requirements: Nimble Proficiency 15, Poise Proficiency 15
Attack with Zeal to cause creatures to not be able to Ignore you in Social Encounters.
Range Burst 3 + TT   Duration 3 + TT x 3 minutes   Defense Zeal
Boost: Use Influence to begin a Social Encounter.
Leader Mind
Aspect - Charisma | Nimble and Poise
Requirements: Nimble Proficiency 9, Poise Proficiency 9
Gain Devastating with Influence rolls.
Boost: Gain +1 + TT/4 on Influence rolls.
Leader Mind Order
Aspect - Charisma | Nimble and Poise
Requirements: Nimble Proficiency 9, Poise Proficiency 9
Increase the words you can speak each round and the words you gain from actions by 2 + TT/2.
Boost: Reduce the penalty from Social Opinion to increase a creatures opinion of you by 1.
© Grinning Demon Games ~ admin@SoulshardsRPG.com
Yitzi Santer: Creator | Clinton Menezes: Lead Developer | Travis Almon: Lead Writer
Merch Store ~ The Team