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Chaos Hero
You can take 2 + TT/3 reactions in response to a single trigger. You cannot take the same reaction more than once to a trigger.
Boost: You can take the same reaction more than once to a trigger.
Gravity Hero Mobile
Aspect - Might | Athletics and Elude
Gain 1 + TT/2 Time Reduction.
Boost: Gain TT/3 Collision Reduction.
Athlete Body Order Animal
Aspect - Finesse | Athletics and Elude
Gain +1 + TT/2 on Balance rolls and on defense against Reposition.
Boost: Gain +1 +TT/3 on defense against Space abilities.
Athlete Gravity
Response | Athletics and Elude
As you Collide, reduce the damage you take by 1 + TT/3.
Boost: Also increase the damage dealt to others by 1 + TT/2.
Gravity Mobile Scout Potion
Spell - Mutation | Athletics and Elude
Target gains +1 + TT on Jump rolls.
Range Target 3 + TT   Duration 1 + TT minutes   Defense Magic
Boost: They gain +1 + TT on Climb rolls.
Gravity Mobile Tactician
Spell - Elemental | Athletics and Elude
Deal 4 + TT/2 Gravity damage. You are moved 1 + TT/2 spaces away from the target.
Range Target 1 + TT   Defense Magic
Boost: Target is moved away from you 1 + TT/3 - half their size spaces.
Advanced Abilities
Those that practice and excel in the Acrobat style gain access to these more unique abilities.
Athlete Gravity Mobile
Response | Athletics and Elude
Requirements: Athletics Proficiency 21, Elude Proficiency 21
As you would begin falling, Jump. Distance moved during this Jump does not have any Movement cost. You can Manifest this ability 1 + TT/3 times per round.
Boost: You can treat falling objects as surfaces to Jump off of.
Mobile Space
Response - Infusion | Athletics and Elude
Requirements: Athletics Proficiency 15, Elude Proficiency 15
Before rolling defense against an effect that deals damage in a Cone or Burst, roll 1d12 to be moved a number of spaces in the direction away from the origin equal to half the damage, DL 9 - TT/2.
Boost: After each space you are moved, you may Move 1 space.
Mobile Trickster Animal
Requirements: Athletics Proficiency 9, Elude Proficiency 9
Stand up.
Boost: If you Tackle this turn before moving, gain +1 + TT/3 on your attack roll.
Athlete Body Mobile
Response | Athletics and Elude
Requirements: Athletics Proficiency 9, Elude Proficiency 9
After becoming Prone, move up 1 + TT/3 spaces. This Movement is not affected by any increase to Movement costs.
Boost: Then stand up.
Athlete Earth Mobile Animal
Requirements: Athletics Proficiency 15, Elude Proficiency 15
Reduce Encumbered Tiers gained from Environments by 1 + TT/2.
Range Self   Duration 1 round
Boost: Also reduce Encumbered Tiers gained from Crowded.
Athlete Mobile
Aspect - Might | Athletics and Elude
Requirements: Athletics Proficiency 9, Elude Proficiency 9
1 + TT times, while adjacent to a wall during a high jump, you can Jump again to gain additional height as long as you do not use the same wall more than once in a row.
Boost: The Jump can be a long jump.
© Grinning Demon Games ~ admin@SoulshardsRPG.com
Yitzi Santer: Creator | Clinton Menezes: Lead Developer | Travis Almon: Lead Writer
Merch Store ~ The Team