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Styles are each a collection of 12 Aspect, Talent, Trick, Response, Spell, and Stance abilities that share a common goal. You can learn abilities from any number of styles, though dedication to any given style allows you to access more powerful abilities within the style.
Each style has 2 Skills that largely determine the effects of abilities within the style. Abilities from styles build your Proficiency in those Skills.
Athletics Endure Martial Elude Nimble Tools Guile Poise Zeal Magic Nature
Endure Fortress
Martial Wrangler Stalwart
Elude Acrobat Defender Fencer
Nimble Exemplar Dervish Archer Burglar
Tools Mechanic Architect Warrior Trapsmith Artisan
Guile Impeder Provoker Opportunist Empath Charlatan Assassin
Poise Coach Harmonizer Commander Saboteur Advocate Knight Bard
Zeal Enhanced Zealot Crusader Vigilante Precisionist Paladin Fated Preacher
Magic Hemalurge Sorcerer Adept Warder Warmage Artificer Mentalist Intensifier Archmage
Nature Explorer Survivor Pugilist Archaeologist Stalker Alchemist Disrupter Alpha Druid Corrupter
Observe Traveler Lookout Strategist Scavenger Warden Inspector Investigator Sensitive Mystic Oracle Herbalist
© Grinning Demon Games ~ admin@SoulshardsRPG.com
Yitzi Santer: Creator | Clinton Menezes: Lead Developer | Travis Almon: Lead Writer
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