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Flora seadragon survivor - Full-Blooded Flora
Full-Blooded: Increase the Grit you heal from Recovery by 1. Gain +1 on Nature Knowledge rolls.
Wooden Body: Gain 6 Time and Radiant Reduction. Vulnerable to Fire.
Sunfed: After each hour in sunlight, gain the nourishment of eating N5 Bulk of food and heal 1 Grit.
Green Blood: Gain +2 on defense against Hemotoxin poisons. Can be affected as a plant.
Learn the Ancient Language.
Language: Keric, Sylvan
Size: 0   Height: 5'6"   Weight: 140
Age: 75   Gender: Male or female  
Athletics: 1 Elude: 2 Guile: 1 Magic: 3
Endure: 2 Nimble: 2 Poise: 2 Nature: 3
Martial: 2 Tools: 2 Zeal: 2 Observe: 2
Might: 5 Finesse: 6 Charisma: 5 Wit: 8
Grit: 10 Threshold: 5 Affinities:
Energy: 14 Minor Actions: 3 Training Limit: 1
Resolve: 13 Movement: 5
Cost Souls: Cost Shards: 72 Bulk Limit: 15
Does not reflect modifiers from abilities except Skill Tiers and passive size changes.
Personal Details
© Grinning Demon Games ~ admin@SoulshardsRPG.com
Yitzi Santer: Creator | Clinton Menezes: Lead Developer | Travis Almon: Lead Writer
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