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Fire Rat - Full-Blooded Beast
Full-Blooded: Gain +1 damage with Unarmed Strikes.
Form: Have only a torso and head with ears, eyes, mouth, nose, and teeth.
Beast Mind: Cannot be a playable character, has intelligence of an animal and no starting Souls, and cannot speak.
Beast Progression: Must expend double AP to learn, train, and boost abilities that are not from your Species.
Beast Body: Can only learn beast and Species abilities. Has no Training Limit. Ignore requirements during creation.
Base Skills: Each Skill Tier begins as Tier 0 and can be increased up to 4 as part of creation.
Language: Keric
Size: -3   Height: 1'   Weight: 5 pounds
Age: 6 months   Rarity: 6   Training Rating: 3
Athletics: 2 Elude: 2 Guile: 1 Magic: 0
Endure: 2 Nimble: 3 Poise: 1 Nature: 2
Martial: 2 Tools: 0 Zeal: 1 Observe: 2
Might: 6 Finesse: 5 Charisma: 3 Wit: 4
Grit: 10 Threshold: 1 Affinities:
Energy: 6 Minor Actions: 2 Training Limit: 1
Resolve: 7 Movement: 5
Cost Souls: Cost Shards: 0 Bulk Limit: 7.594
Does not reflect modifiers from abilities except Skill Tiers and passive size changes.
4 legs, fangs, claws, and long torso. Heatsight and Scent. Permanent Enchantment grants Elemental Immunity: Fire. Fangs 2d12 -2c, Devastating (+2 Fire) Claws 2d12 -2c, grab (+2 Fire)
Personal Details
Background: Thought to be the result of early experiments that led to the creation of the Materia.
Appearance: A large rat with red eyes that glow with an inner light.
Personality: Thought to make their nests most often in volcanoes and around hot springs, these hard to find rodents can be most easily tracked by the smell of roasting nuts and meat coming from their dens. Stories are told of how they will burn away strips of dry forest debris during forest fires, creating roads the fire can not cross.
Adventure Notes: They rely on their fire abilities to fight larger opponents, they are also adept at using their environment against intruders. They are aware that they are unaffected by heat and fire, so they will breathe fire where other members of their colony are.
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