Rolls defined on this page do not count as using an action.
Extra Push (No Action)
At any time, you can push yourself harder than normal for a brief time while not Exhausted. Gain +2 on Mobility rolls, Bulk Limit, and Endure rolls and +1 Movement Pool until you use Extra Push again, ending it. You must roll for Overexertion after each round. If you fail Overexertion, suffer Body damage equal to half the DL.
Dash (Major)
Gain +4 on Jump rolls, increase the Magnitude of sound you make by moving by 1, and when you pay Movement to move, you may move an additional space for 1 round. You must roll for Overexertion after each 10 minutes.
Run (Major)
Gain +8 on Jump rolls, increase the Magnitude of sound you make by moving by 2, and each time you pay Movement to move, move an additional 2 spaces for 1 round. You cannot use Minor Actions while running. You must roll for Overexertion after each number of rounds equal to your Endure Tier.
Turning while running causes Balance, DL increased by 3 for each 30 degrees you are turning. On failure, increase Collide damage you suffer from falling by your Movement Pool.
Balance (Reaction - Nimble)
Traversing narrow, unstable, or slippery surfaces and certain other conditions and events require using Balance. When you enter such a space or are affected by an effect that causes Balance, fall Prone unless you Balance, DL 3. A surface counts as narrow if it is less than 1/3 of your width. The DL is increased by 1 for each 1/10 of that width it is smaller and by 2 if the surface is unstable. Suffer -2 on your roll if you are moving.
Squeeze (Reaction - Elude)
Use Squeeze to treat yourself as 1 size smaller for determining the space you occupy, DL 6. You can increase the DL by 6 to instead treat your size as 2 smaller. While Squeezed, double the number of creatures you count as for each size reduced to determine Crowded, and you cause Crowded to yourself.
Stealth (Minor - Elude)
Avoiding enemies may be easier than fighting them. Use Stealth to reduce the Magnitude of sound you make with movement by 1 + 1 for each 6 you exceed the DL by for 1 round, DL 6. If you are benefiting from Concealment against sight, also increase the Tier by 1 for each 1 you exceed the DL by. This cannot increase the Tier by more than the Tiers you are benefiting from.
Riding Mounts
While mounted, your movement is affected. You cannot move and when your mount moves, you are moved in the same way. Have Tier 2 Encumbered while your mount is Dashing and Tier 4 while it is Running. You count as in all spaces of your mount for determining any effects and you and your mount do not cause each other to be Crowded.
Control Mount (Minor Action - Nature)
You must control your mount at the start of each turn, DL 9. You can use Free Limbs to gain +3 on the roll for each and the limbs cannot be used for any other task for 1 round. If you do not control your mount, it will take any actions it chooses. Any time your mount makes an unexpected movement, roll Athletics, DL 9. On failure, fall off your mount and become Prone. If you are using a saddle, gain +3 on rolls in relation to your mount.
Mount / Dismount (Major or Minor Action - Athletics)
To mount or dismount a creature is DL 3 and costs 1 Movement. On failure, fall Prone. When not done as a Major Action, increase the DL by 9. If you Dismount a Moving mount, begin Falling.
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